• Course


  • Prep time

    15 Mins

  • cook time

    10 Mins

  • servings




  • 2 tbsp rice vinegar
  • 3 tbsp lime juice
  • 3 tbsp vegan fish sauce
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup
  • 2 tsp grated ginger
  • 2 tsp sliced red chili


  • 1 cup carrots, tightly packed, julienned
  •  cups cucumber, tightly packed, julienned
  • ¼ cup spring onions, chopped
  • 8.8 oz block smoked tofu, cubed (optional)
  • 3 tbsp mint leaves, finely chopped
  • ¼ cup cilantro, roughly chopped
  •  cup roasted peanuts, roughly chopped, plus more to serve

product used in the recipe

Organic Traditional Pho Rice Noodles

  • 1

    Prepare noodles according to directions on package. Drain, rinse under cold water, and set aside.

  • 2

    In a large bowl, whisk together dressing ingredients. Add noodles, carrots, cucumber, spring onions, tofu (if using), mint, cilantro, and peanuts. Toss until evenly distributed.

  • 3

    To serve, divide salad between bowls and top with more peanuts. Serve immediately.

product used in the recipe

Organic Traditional Pho Rice Noodles

Instruction video